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The by clause

  • used to group data
  • tables are set of lists
  • we can apply group data using by without aggregation - aggregation function last is applied by default
    q)select by sym from trades
    sym | time                          src price size
    ----| --------------------------------------------
    AAPL| 2020.12.25D16:29:55.722000000 N   29.89 210
    CSCO| 2020.12.25D16:29:56.120000000 O   35.29 2803
    DELL| 2020.12.25D16:29:57.739000000 N   28.66 1889
    GOOG| 2020.12.25D16:29:56.958000000 N   43.87 1254
    IBM | 2020.12.25D16:29:58.656000000 N   37.92 4379
    MSFT| 2020.12.25D16:29:59.677000000 L   38.88 6493
    NOK | 2020.12.25D16:29:57.448000000 N   34.55 1092
    ORCL| 2020.12.25D16:29:57.487000000 L   31.47 2685
    YHOO| 2020.12.25D16:29:59.662000000 N   37.01 5305
  • grouping with aggregation also works

q)select max price, sum size by sym from trades
sym | price size
----| --------------
AAPL| 30.39 59274749
CSCO| 38.11 58247173
DELL| 31.11 58330222
GOOG| 44.02 57776533
IBM | 43.6  58945930
MSFT| 41.2  58150838
NOK | 35.56 57899767
ORCL| 33.46 58335324
YHOO| 38.11 59446175
* in case of grouping by 2 columns, they are grouped in order they are queried * in example below, it's grouped first by sym and then again by src
q)select max price, sum size by sym,src from trades
sym  src| price size
--------| --------------
AAPL L  | 30.36 20012403
AAPL N  | 30.39 19782620
AAPL O  | 30.33 19479726
CSCO L  | 38.08 19537950
CSCO N  | 38.11 19351658
CSCO O  | 38.1  19357565
DELL L  | 31.09 19188543
DELL N  | 31.09 19677846
DELL O  | 31.11 19463833
GOOG L  | 44.02 19686298
GOOG N  | 43.95 19884630
GOOG O  | 44.02 18205605
IBM  L  | 43.55 19806381
IBM  N  | 43.54 19809111
IBM  O  | 43.6  19330438
MSFT L  | 41.2  19272596
MSFT N  | 41.17 19105562
MSFT O  | 41.19 19772680
NOK  L  | 35.49 19366132
NOK  N  | 35.56 19586497
* we can also get values without aggregation
q)select max price, size by sym,src from trades
sym  src| price size                                                         ..
--------| -------------------------------------------------------------------..
AAPL L  | 30.36 1344 922 1223 9988 5087 4250 384 6328 3506 4901 1216 6507 236..
AAPL N  | 30.39 119 7205 125 137 2385 6201 5277 781 434 778 5221 165 3665 697..
AAPL O  | 30.33 1132 4958 4875 2746 1006 686 636 3929 4680 7888 8422 4246 268..
CSCO L  | 38.08 36 3243 1037 2923 994 2832 1613 1530 452 1381 1334 9846 1676 ..
CSCO N  | 38.11 2144 1363 7463 5020 2068 1329 2075 4074 549 5471 812 7790 251..
CSCO O  | 38.1  154 2171 797 1579 1868 2098 2910 1525 921 744 2132 6843 3296 ..
DELL L  | 31.09 4317 4648 27 5416 1379 3476 2331 154 1246 5158 558 5662 4337 ..
DELL N  | 31.09 2356 357 170 5101 460 2933 751 4031 1950 4837 5847 5596 244 1..
DELL O  | 31.11 22 7472 376 440 2789 1247 520 3012 272 5445 6697 581 1201 108..
* data is sorted by columns in ascending order of by clause * in example below trades are first sorted ascending by time then by sym
q)select max price by time, sym from trades
time                          sym | price
----------------------------------| -----
2020.12.25D08:00:00.029000000 CSCO| 35.46
2020.12.25D08:00:00.229000000 NOK | 31.82
2020.12.25D08:00:00.250000000 YHOO| 35.5
2020.12.25D08:00:00.861000000 GOOG| 41.41
2020.12.25D08:00:00.946000000 IBM | 43.54
2020.12.25D08:00:00.958000000 MSFT| 36.09
2020.12.25D08:00:01.156000000 CSCO| 35.46
2020.12.25D08:00:01.255000000 NOK | 31.78
2020.12.25D08:00:01.272000000 MSFT| 36.09
2020.12.25D08:00:01.527000000 NOK | 31.76
2020.12.25D08:00:01.546000000 AAPL| 25.36
2020.12.25D08:00:01.629000000 MSFT| 36.08
2020.12.25D08:00:01.680000000 YHOO| 35.54
2020.12.25D08:00:01.836000000 DELL| 29.07
2020.12.25D08:00:01.889000000 CSCO| 35.45
2020.12.25D08:00:02.127000000 DELL| 29.07
2020.12.25D08:00:02.161000000 YHOO| 35.5
2020.12.25D08:00:02.824000000 YHOO| 35.5
2020.12.25D08:00:03.191000000 YHOO| 35.52
2020.12.25D08:00:03.309000000 GOOG| 41.3


  • high, low, open and close / open, high, low and close
    q)select high:max price, low:min price, open:first price, close:last price by sym from trades
    sym | high  low   open  close
    ----| -----------------------
    AAPL| 30.39 24.61 25.36 29.89
    CSCO| 38.11 34.25 35.46 35.29
    DELL| 31.11 28.48 29.07 28.66
    GOOG| 44.02 39.9  41.41 43.87
    IBM | 43.6  37.66 43.54 37.92
    MSFT| 41.2  35.9  36.09 38.88
    NOK | 35.56 29.09 31.82 34.55
    ORCL| 33.46 30.55 32.22 31.47
    YHOO| 38.11 32.83 35.5  37.01

Function in by clause


  • frequently used to split data into time buckets
  • sample use case : select maximum price for each sym for every hour/every half hour
  • n xbar list is used for bucketing list of any q entity into n number of buckets q)select max price by 1 xbar time.hh from trades hh| price --| ----- 8 | 43.6 9 | 42.62 10| 43.06 11| 42.61 12| 42.57 13| 42.27 14| 42.03 15| 43.75 16| 44.02 q)select max price by 0.5 xbar time.hh from trades hh | price ---| ----- 4 | 43.6 4.5| 42.62 5 | 43.06 5.5| 42.61 6 | 42.57 6.5| 42.27 7 | 42.03 7.5| 43.75 8 | 44.02 q)select max price, sum size by sym, 5 xbar time.minute from trades sym minute| price size -----------| ------------ AAPL 08:00 | 25.44 559983 AAPL 08:05 | 25.41 658484 AAPL 08:10 | 25.45 568858 AAPL 08:15 | 25.05 590919 AAPL 08:20 | 24.97 592187 AAPL 08:25 | 25.18 618660 AAPL 08:30 | 24.94 536795 q) // not just for temporal data, xbar works on all types of q datatypes q)select sum size by sym, 5 xbar price from trades sym price| size ----------| -------- AAPL 20 | 2778333 AAPL 25 | 55483203 AAPL 30 | 1013213 CSCO 30 | 4698809 CSCO 35 | 53548364 DELL 25 | 39015640 DELL 30 | 19314582 GOOG 35 | 78225 GOOG 40 | 57698308 IBM 35 | 18314146 IBM 40 | 40631784 MSFT 35 | 52387686 MSFT 40 | 5763152 NOK 25 | 11650507 NOK 30 | 42933232 NOK 35 | 3316028 ORCL 30 | 58335324 YHOO 30 | 20237630 YHOO 35 | 39208545

tick direction example

  • we want to add new column dir showing direction of price : +1 = increase in price, -1 = decrease in price, 0 = no change
  • we define a function tradedirection
    q)tradedirection:{signum deltas x}
    q)tradedirection:{signum deltas x}
    q)update dir:tradedirection price by sym from trades
    time                          sym  src price size dir
    2020.12.25D08:00:00.029000000 CSCO O   35.46 154  0
    2020.12.25D08:00:00.229000000 NOK  L   31.82 690  0
    2020.12.25D08:00:00.250000000 YHOO L   35.5  1583 0
    2020.12.25D08:00:00.861000000 GOOG N   41.41 3183 0
    2020.12.25D08:00:00.946000000 IBM  N   43.54 7605 0
    2020.12.25D08:00:00.958000000 MSFT N   36.09 1592 0
    2020.12.25D08:00:01.156000000 CSCO N   35.46 2144 0
    2020.12.25D08:00:01.255000000 NOK  O   31.78 508  -1
    2020.12.25D08:00:01.272000000 MSFT L   36.09 4960 0
    2020.12.25D08:00:01.527000000 NOK  L   31.76 7832 -1
  • here we see for first row dir is 1 which is incorrect and should be 0
  • hence, we re-define our tradedirection function
  • now we are using diadic form of deltas function
    q)tradedirection:{signum deltas[first x;x]}
    q)update dir:tradedirection price by sym from trades
    time                          sym  src price size dir
    2020.12.25D08:00:00.029000000 CSCO O   35.46 154  0
    2020.12.25D08:00:00.229000000 NOK  L   31.82 690  0
    2020.12.25D08:00:00.250000000 YHOO L   35.5  1583 0
    2020.12.25D08:00:00.861000000 GOOG N   41.41 3183 0
    2020.12.25D08:00:00.946000000 IBM  N   43.54 7605 0
    2020.12.25D08:00:00.958000000 MSFT N   36.09 1592 0
    2020.12.25D08:00:01.156000000 CSCO N   35.46 2144 0
    2020.12.25D08:00:01.255000000 NOK  O   31.78 508  -1
    2020.12.25D08:00:01.272000000 MSFT L   36.09 4960 0
    2020.12.25D08:00:01.527000000 NOK  L   31.76 7832 -1
  • now if we want to use dir column in grouping, to group by sym and upticks(dir=+1)/downticks(dir=-1)/no movement(dir=0)
  • we do this by first updating dir in trades then group them by sym and dir
    q)select sum size by sym, dir from update dir:tradedirection price by sym from trades
    sym  dir| size
    --------| --------
    AAPL -1 | 23669600
    AAPL 0  | 10796074
    AAPL 1  | 24809075
    CSCO -1 | 24273006
    CSCO 0  | 10492199
    CSCO 1  | 23481968
    DELL -1 | 23765475
    DELL 0  | 11081873
    DELL 1  | 23482874
    GOOG -1 | 23767777
  • we can also use fby in order to get same results in single statement
    q)select sum size by sym, dir:(tradedirection;price) fby sym from trades
    sym  dir| size
    --------| --------
    AAPL -1 | 23669600
    AAPL 0  | 10796074
    AAPL 1  | 24809075
    CSCO -1 | 24273006
    CSCO 0  | 10492199
    CSCO 1  | 23481968
    DELL -1 | 23765475
    DELL 0  | 11081873
    DELL 1  | 23482874
    GOOG -1 | 23767777
  • same can be used for calculating a value which is dependent on another value in the group
  • example : we want to know total size of trades for each sym where price is more than 10 tick moving average
    q)select sum size by sym, price>(mavg[10];price) fby sym from trades
    sym  sym1| size
    ---------| --------
    AAPL 0   | 29193756
    AAPL 1   | 30080993
    CSCO 0   | 29465592
    CSCO 1   | 28781581
    DELL 0   | 29500402
    DELL 1   | 28829820
    GOOG 0   | 28792193
    GOOG 1   | 28984340
    IBM  0   | 30403277
    IBM  1   | 28542653

trades in size group

  • Suppose we want to classify trades into 3 groups:
  • size<1000 - small
  • 1000<size<9000 - medium
  • size>9000 - big
  • we can do it using
  • multiple selects
  • have a function and apply fby in by clause
    q) // my attempt
    q)sizegroup:{?[x<1000;`small;?[x within 1000 8999; `medium;`big]]}
    q)select by sym, sg:(sizegroup;size) fby sym from trades
    sym  sg    | time                          src price size
    -----------| --------------------------------------------
    AAPL big   | 2020.12.25D16:22:11.344000000 N   30.05 9746
    AAPL medium| 2020.12.25D16:29:54.842000000 O   29.87 1568
    AAPL small | 2020.12.25D16:29:55.722000000 N   29.89 210
    CSCO big   | 2020.12.25D16:28:52.974000000 N   35.27 9805
    CSCO medium| 2020.12.25D16:29:56.120000000 O   35.29 2803
    CSCO small | 2020.12.25D16:29:53.908000000 L   35.38 906
    DELL big   | 2020.12.25D16:29:01.330000000 O   29.02 9338
    DELL medium| 2020.12.25D16:29:57.739000000 N   28.66 1889
    DELL small | 2020.12.25D16:29:41.032000000 O   28.69 386
    GOOG big   | 2020.12.25D16:28:03.979000000 O   44.02 9368
    q) // instructor's attempt using bin
    q)sizegroup2:{`small`medium`big 0 1000 9000 bin x}
    q)select by sym, (sizegroup2;size) fby sym from trades
    sym  sym1  | time                          src price size
    -----------| --------------------------------------------
    AAPL big   | 2020.12.25D12:47:22.215000000 L   25.27 9008
    AAPL medium| 2020.12.25D16:29:14.600000000 L   25.48 1226
    AAPL small | 2020.12.25D16:29:52.700000000 L   25.48 167
    CSCO big   | 2020.12.25D14:04:40.319000000 N   36.22 9027
    CSCO medium| 2020.12.25D16:29:17.739000000 N   36.4  4333
    CSCO small | 2020.12.25D16:28:08.296000000 N   36.46 815
    DELL medium| 2020.12.25D16:27:11.848000000 O   29.81 4049
    DELL small | 2020.12.25D16:22:44.943000000 N   29.82 39
    GOOG medium| 2020.12.25D16:26:30.366000000 N   41.84 4956
    GOOG small | 2020.12.25D16:23:11.310000000 N   41.8  264
    IBM  big   | 2020.12.25D14:35:04.732000000 N   46.19 9051
    IBM  medium| 2020.12.25D16:28:57.502000000 O   46.89 1322
    IBM  small | 2020.12.25D16:22:03.114000000 N   47.04 796
    MSFT big   | 2020.12.25D16:22:42.020000000 N   35.59 9636
    MSFT medium| 2020.12.25D16:14:50.382000000 N   35.59 1055
    MSFT small | 2020.12.25D16:21:07.118000000 L   35.55 937
    NOK  big   | 2020.12.25D10:29:07.054000000 L   31.16 9045
    NOK  medium| 2020.12.25D16:22:24.261000000 L   31.04 2457
    NOK  small | 2020.12.25D16:27:15.083000000 O   31.14 357
    ORCL big   | 2020.12.25D11:32:42.294000000 O   33.26 9812
    q)// solution with bin needs size list to be sorted, solution with ? would work otherwise as well
    q)// performance comparison
    q) count trades`size
    {?[x<1000;`small;?[x within 1000 8999; `medium;`big]]}
    q)\t:10000 sizegroup trades`size
    q)\t:10000 sizegroup trades`size
    {`small`medium`big 0 1000 9000 bin x}
    q)\t:10000 sizegroup2 trades`size
    q)\t:10000 sizegroup2 trades`size
    q) // solution with bin is more optimized, faster by ~300-400ms, only restriction is list needs to be sorted, otherwise solution with ? would work in both cases sorted or otherwise
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