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Where Clause

  • used to filter data from in-memory and on-disk tables
    price    qty
    68.78151 92
    1.897575 93
    56.70071 84
    48.33407 20
    82.02713 22
  • where clause cascades the data - filter conditions are applied in order they are written and only subset of data is passed to next one
  • we need to be careful about the order of filter conditions
  • we should be cutting the dataset into as small as possible as fast as possible
  • filter conditions are applied left to right - thus if we apply price filter first less number of rows are left for applying qty filter, similarly if we apply qty filter first then price filter is applied to more number of rows thus taking more time
    q)count select from tab where qty<90
    q)count select from tab where price>50
    q)\t select from tab where price>50, qty<90
    q)\t select from tab where qty<90, price>50

Historic database

  • we should apply where first on partition
  • if partitioned by date, first filter condition should be on date
  • there is a huge difference in fetching data from HDB if first filter is not partition(date/month/year)
    q)\l fakedb.q
    2020.12.24T10:09:26.303 saving data for date 2014.04.21 to :hdb
    2020.12.24T10:09:27.947 saving data for date 2014.04.22 to :hdb
    2020.12.24T10:09:29.396 saving data for date 2014.04.23 to :hdb
    2020.12.24T10:09:31.115 saving data for date 2014.04.24 to :hdb
    2020.12.24T10:09:33.085 saving data for date 2014.04.25 to :hdb
    2020.12.24T10:09:34.825 saving data for date 2014.04.28 to :hdb
    2020.12.24T10:09:36.320 saving data for date 2014.04.29 to :hdb
    2020.12.24T10:09:38.063 saving data for date 2014.04.30 to :hdb
    2020.12.24T10:09:40.130 saving data for date 2014.05.01 to :hdb
    2020.12.24T10:09:42.148 saving data for date 2014.05.02 to :hdb
    q)\l hdb
    q)q)count quotes
    q)select distinct date from quotes
    q) // HDB created and loaded
  • query without date as first filter
    q)\t:100 select from quotes where sym=`AAPL, bsize>5000, date=2014.04.21
  • query with date as first filter
    q)\t:100 select from quotes where date=2014.04.21, sym=`AAPL, bsize>5000
  • difference is almost 7 times which is quite huge


  • if attributes are present in table - can be checked using meta table_name
  • in where we should use attributes columns just after partition columns, thus for on-disk table where filter order would be:
  • partition column
  • columns with attributes
  • other columns and for in-memory tables where order would be:
  • columns with attributes
  • other columns
q)meta quotes
c    | t f a
-----| -----
date | d
sym  | s   p
time | p
src  | s
bid  | f
ask  | f
bsize| i
asize| i
q)\t:100 select from quotes where date=2014.04.23, sym=`AAPL,bid>10
q)\t:100 select from quotes where date=2014.04.23, bid>10, sym=`AAPL
q) // difference is almost 3 times

tuple matches

  • allows us to apply multiple filters on same columns in single query
  • eg: we want IBM trades from src L, CSCO trades from src L or N and MSFT trades from src O
  • method 1: apply where individually and join results
    q)(select from trades where date=2014.04.21, sym=`IBM, src=`L),(select from trades where date=2014.04.21, sym=`MSFT, src in `O),(select from trades where date=2014.04.21, sym=`CSCO, src in `L`N)
    date       sym  time                          src price size
    2014.04.21 IBM  2014.04.21D09:35:14.517000000 L   43.37 6771
    2014.04.21 IBM  2014.04.21D12:56:35.834000000 L   42.36 3389
    2014.04.21 MSFT 2014.04.21D08:30:37.642000000 O   36.4  855
    2014.04.21 CSCO 2014.04.21D08:20:47.172000000 N   35.74 1615
  • method 2: use tuple matches
  • we define our conditions in a table
  • apply where with condition table
    sym  src
    IBM  L
    MSFT O
    CSCO L
    CSCO N
    q)select from trades where date=2014.04.21, ([]sym; src) in toget
    date       sym  time                          src price size
    2014.04.21 CSCO 2014.04.21D08:20:47.172000000 N   35.74 1615
    2014.04.21 IBM  2014.04.21D09:35:14.517000000 L   43.37 6771
    2014.04.21 IBM  2014.04.21D12:56:35.834000000 L   42.36 3389
    2014.04.21 MSFT 2014.04.21D08:30:37.642000000 O   36.4  855
    q)\t:1000 select from trades where date=2014.04.21, ([]sym; src) in toget
  • we can also attributes to bring down query time further down
    q)\t:1000 select from trades where date=2014.04.21, sym in toget`sym, ([]sym; src) in toget
    q) // around 200ms difference

Where clause ordering

  • while applying where clause ordering is most important part
  • eg: in a sample table trades
    q)trades:([]price:50 51 70; size: 600 800 300)
    price size
    50    600
    51    800
    70    300
  • we want to search for trades which occurred at max price also has size more than 500
  • from looking at table trades we see there is no such trade
  • but if we are not careful in the order of where conditions we can get incorrect results
    q)select from trades where size>500, price=max price
    price size
    51    800
    q) // this result is incorrect
  • we get incorrect result - because price filter should have been applied on whole trades table, instead it is applied result of size filter
  • query with correct order would be
    q)select from trades where price=max price, size>500
    price size
  • which results into 0 such trades, which is correct

fby - filter by

  • used to apply aggregations within the where clause
  • eg: get trades with max price for each sym for a date
    q)// first attempt
    q)select from trades where date=2014.04.21, price=max price
    date       sym time                          src price size
    2014.04.21 IBM 2014.04.21D09:35:14.517000000 L   43.37 6771
  • but this will only give us trades with max price across all syms not for each syms
    q)// second attempt
    q)select by sym from trades where date=2014.04.21, price=max price
    sym| date       time                          src price size
    ---| -------------------------------------------------------
    IBM| 2014.04.21 2014.04.21D09:35:14.517000000 L   43.37 6771
  • this also fails as where clause is applied before by clause
    q) // using fby - apply aggregation of max price and filter by sym
    q)select from trades where date=2014.04.21, price=(max;price) fby sym
    date       sym  time                          src price size
    2014.04.21 CSCO 2014.04.21D08:20:47.172000000 N   35.74 1615
    2014.04.21 DELL 2014.04.21D13:15:14.289000000 L   29.63 1490
    2014.04.21 GOOG 2014.04.21D13:57:48.315000000 L   41.4  989
    2014.04.21 IBM  2014.04.21D09:35:14.517000000 L   43.37 6771
    2014.04.21 MSFT 2014.04.21D08:30:37.642000000 O   36.4  855
    2014.04.21 NOK  2014.04.21D15:06:51.099000000 N   31.64 4452
    2014.04.21 ORCL 2014.04.21D12:28:32.455000000 L   32.6  15
    q) // now this seems, right !!
  • we can also aggregate by more than 1 field (sym, src, etc..)
    q)select from trades where date=2014.04.21, price=(max;price) fby ([]sym;src)
    date       sym  time                          src price size
    2014.04.21 CSCO 2014.04.21D08:20:47.172000000 N   35.74 1615
    2014.04.21 DELL 2014.04.21D13:15:14.289000000 L   29.63 1490
    2014.04.21 GOOG 2014.04.21D13:57:48.315000000 L   41.4  989
    2014.04.21 IBM  2014.04.21D09:35:14.517000000 L   43.37 6771
    2014.04.21 IBM  2014.04.21D16:09:21.276000000 O   41.89 4567
    2014.04.21 MSFT 2014.04.21D08:30:37.642000000 O   36.4  855
    2014.04.21 NOK  2014.04.21D15:06:51.099000000 N   31.64 4452
    2014.04.21 ORCL 2014.04.21D12:28:32.455000000 L   32.6  15
    2014.04.21 ORCL 2014.04.21D16:19:28.873000000 N   31.33 2269
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