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Load Save Files

Writing to csv file

  • Given an in-memory table we can write it to disk as .csv file
  • save can be used if we want filename be same as tablename in memory
    q)tab:([]sym:`a`b`c`d; prc: 1 2 3 4;cmt: "ABCD"; dt: 2022.10.01 2022.10.02 2022.10.03 2022.10.04)
    sym prc cmt dt
    a   1   A   2022.10.01
    b   2   B   2022.10.02
    c   3   C   2022.10.03
    d   4   D   2022.10.04
    q)tab2:([]col1: `q`w`e; col2: 10 20 30)
    col1 col2
    q    10
    w    20
    e    30
    q)save `:tab.csv
    q)save `:tab2.csv

Loading csv

  • command to load file is 0:
  • right hand argument is handle to csv file
  • left hand argument is list with first item listing type of columns in string type format and second argument is deliminator for csv it is "," - enlisting deliminator means we have column headers in our file and they will be column name when read as table
    q)tab:("SICD";enlist",")0: `:tab.csv
    sym prc cmt dt
    a   1   A   2022.10.01
    b   2   B   2022.10.02
    c   3   C   2022.10.03
    d   4   D   2022.10.04
    q)tab2:("SI";enlist",")0: `:tab2.csv
    col1 col2
    q    10
    w    20
    e    30
  • we can leave out a column if we dont want to read it into memory by keeping type as blank
    q)("SICD";enlist ",")0: `:tab.csv
    sym prc cmt dt
    a   1   A   2022.10.01
    b   2   B   2022.10.02
    c   3   C   2022.10.03
    d   4   D   2022.10.04
    q)("SIC ";enlist ",")0: `:tab.csv //leave out last column
    sym prc cmt
    a   1   A
    b   2   B
    c   3   C
    d   4   D
    q)("S CD";enlist ",")0: `:tab.csv //leave out one of middle column
    sym cmt dt
    a   A   2022.10.01
    b   B   2022.10.02
    c   C   2022.10.03
    d   D   2022.10.04
  • we can also read data without headers
    q)("SICD";",")0: `:tab.csv
    sym a          b          c          d
        1          2          3          4
        A          B          C          D
        2022.10.01 2022.10.02 2022.10.03 2022.10.04
    q)flip `col1`col2`col3`col4!1_'("SICD";",")0: `:tab.csv
    col1 col2 col3 col4
    a    1    A    2022.10.01
    b    2    B    2022.10.02
    c    3    C    2022.10.03
    d    4    D    2022.10.04


  • we can read file in string format using read0
  • can be used with csv or txt files as well
    q)read0 `:tab.csv
    q)read0 `:tab.txt
    " 1 a 3 b 4"
    " 2 b 5 c 6"
    " 3 d 4 e 5"


  • we can also read file as binary
    q)read1 `:tab.txt
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