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q)// setup
q)\l 2_where_clause_fakedb.q
USAGE: makedb[NUM QUOTES;NUM TRADES] eg makedb[100000;10000]

makedb1[NUM QUOTES;NUM TRADES;DATE;RANDOMISED COUNT FACTOR] eg makedb1[100000;10000;.z.d;.3]




Vertical Join ,

  • used to append 1 table at the end of another table
    time                          sym  src price size
    2020.12.26D08:00:13.099000000 IBM  N   43.52 326
    2020.12.26D08:00:39.491000000 CSCO L   35.45 2382
    2020.12.26D08:01:46.279000000 AAPL O   25.34 211
    2020.12.26D08:02:09.670000000 AAPL L   25.37 8077
    2020.12.26D08:02:31.911000000 ORCL L   32.25 5730
    2020.12.26D16:28:13.574000000 GOOG L   41.42 746
    2020.12.26D16:28:51.196000000 NOK  N   31.77 147
    2020.12.26D16:28:56.993000000 CSCO O   35.51 6233
    2020.12.26D16:29:05.901000000 AAPL L   25.32 64
    2020.12.26D16:29:38.453000000 NOK  N   31.81 307
  • columns of the 2 tables must match
      [0]  t1,5#quotes
  • if we want to append subset of columns to table we must use ,: (join in-place) which will fill missing values with null
    q)t1,5#select time, sym, price from trades
      [0]  t1,5#select time, sym, price from trades
    q)t1,:5#select time, sym, price from trades
    time                          sym  src price size
    2020.12.26D08:00:13.099000000 IBM  N   43.52 326
    2020.12.26D08:00:39.491000000 CSCO L   35.45 2382
    2020.12.26D08:01:46.279000000 AAPL O   25.34 211
    2020.12.26D08:02:09.670000000 AAPL L   25.37 8077
    2020.12.26D08:02:31.911000000 ORCL L   32.25 5730
    2020.12.26D08:00:13.099000000 IBM      43.52
    2020.12.26D08:00:39.491000000 CSCO     35.45
    2020.12.26D08:01:46.279000000 AAPL     25.34
    2020.12.26D08:02:09.670000000 AAPL     25.37
    2020.12.26D08:02:31.911000000 ORCL     32.25
  • if we want to add single row of data, then also we must use join in-place(,:)
    time                          sym  src price size
    2020.12.26D08:00:13.099000000 IBM  N   43.52 326
    2020.12.26D08:00:39.491000000 CSCO L   35.45 2382
    2020.12.26D08:01:46.279000000 AAPL O   25.34 211
    2020.12.26D08:02:09.670000000 AAPL L   25.37 8077
    2020.12.26D08:02:31.911000000 ORCL L   32.25 5730
    2020.12.26D08:00:13.099000000 IBM      43.52
    2020.12.26D08:00:39.491000000 CSCO     35.45
    2020.12.26D08:01:46.279000000 AAPL     25.34
    2020.12.26D08:02:09.670000000 AAPL     25.37
    2020.12.26D08:02:31.911000000 ORCL     32.25
    2020.12.26D09:12:41.729632000 GOOG N   45.55 98

Horizontal Join ,'

  • join each
  • it adds extra columns to the right of existing table
    q)flip (enlist `side)!enlist 1000?`buy`sell  // created new column side
    q)trades,'flip (enlist `side)!enlist 1000?`buy`sell
    time                          sym  src price size side
    2020.12.26D08:00:13.099000000 IBM  N   43.52 326  sell
    2020.12.26D08:00:39.491000000 CSCO L   35.45 2382 buy
    2020.12.26D08:01:46.279000000 AAPL O   25.34 211  buy
    2020.12.26D08:02:09.670000000 AAPL L   25.37 8077 buy
    2020.12.26D08:02:31.911000000 ORCL L   32.25 5730 sell
  • two table must have same number of rows, otherwise we would get 'length error
    q)count flip (enlist `side)!enlist 50?`buy`sell
    q)trades,'flip (enlist `side)!enlist 50?`buy`sell
      [0]  trades,'flip (enlist `side)!enlist 50?`buy`sell

Left Join lj

  • joins 2 tables on the keyed columns of the right hand table
  • right hand table must be a keyed table
  • this can be used to add static data to a table
    q)voltrades:select vol:sum size by sym from trades
    sym | vol
    ----| ------
    AAPL| 272375
    CSCO| 295679
    DELL| 274055
    GOOG| 207724
    IBM | 400192
    q)trades lj voltrades
    time                          sym  src price size vol
    2020.12.26D08:00:13.099000000 IBM  N   43.52 326  400192
    2020.12.26D08:00:39.491000000 CSCO L   35.45 2382 295679
    2020.12.26D08:01:46.279000000 AAPL O   25.34 211  272375
    2020.12.26D08:02:09.670000000 AAPL L   25.37 8077 272375
    2020.12.26D08:02:31.911000000 ORCL L   32.25 5730 337317
  • if keyed table doesnt have values for each keyed column in left hand side table, then null data will be added for missing keys
    sym | vol
    ----| ------
    CSCO| 295679
    DELL| 274055
    GOOG| 207724
    IBM | 400192
    MSFT| 330837
    q)trades lj 1_voltrades
    time                          sym  src price size vol
    2020.12.26D08:00:13.099000000 IBM  N   43.52 326  400192
    2020.12.26D08:00:39.491000000 CSCO L   35.45 2382 295679
    2020.12.26D08:01:46.279000000 AAPL O   25.34 211
    2020.12.26D08:02:09.670000000 AAPL L   25.37 8077
    2020.12.26D08:02:31.911000000 ORCL L   32.25 5730 337317
  • joins can also be made for more than 1 columns
    q)voltrades2: select sum size by sym,src from trades
    sym  src| size
    --------| ------
    AAPL L  | 110676
    AAPL N  | 56876
    AAPL O  | 104823
    CSCO L  | 122109
    CSCO N  | 75468
    q)trades lj voltrades2
    time                          sym  src price size
    2020.12.26D08:00:13.099000000 IBM  N   43.52 134448
    2020.12.26D08:00:39.491000000 CSCO L   35.45 122109
    2020.12.26D08:01:46.279000000 AAPL O   25.34 104823
    2020.12.26D08:02:09.670000000 AAPL L   25.37 110676
    2020.12.26D08:02:31.911000000 ORCL L   32.25 186353

Plus Join pj

  • similar to a left join
  • it will add the values in keyed table to the corresponding values in left-hand table
  • if the value in the left hand table has no matching value in the keyed table, it will add 0
    time                          sym  src price size
    2020.12.26D08:00:13.099000000 IBM  N   43.52 326
    2020.12.26D08:00:39.491000000 CSCO L   35.45 2382
    2020.12.26D08:01:46.279000000 AAPL O   25.34 211
    2020.12.26D08:02:09.670000000 AAPL L   25.37 8077
    2020.12.26D08:02:31.911000000 ORCL L   32.25 5730
    q)correction:([sym:`AAPL`GOOG] price:.5 .5; changed:1 1)
    sym | price changed
    ----| -------------
    AAPL| 0.5   1
    GOOG| 0.5   1
    q)trades pj correction
    time                          sym  src price size changed
    2020.12.26D08:00:13.099000000 IBM  N   43.52 326  0
    2020.12.26D08:00:39.491000000 CSCO L   35.45 2382 0
    2020.12.26D08:01:46.279000000 AAPL O   25.84 211  1
    2020.12.26D08:02:09.670000000 AAPL L   25.87 8077 1
    2020.12.26D08:02:31.911000000 ORCL L   32.25 5730 0
  • values in the keyed table must be compatible with addition
    q)correction:([sym:`AAPL`GOOG] price:.5 .5; changed:`y`y)
    sym | price changed
    ----| -------------
    AAPL| 0.5   y
    GOOG| 0.5   y
    q)trades pj correction
      [0]  trades pj correction

Inner Join ij

  • inner join is similar to left join, however it will only return a value from left hand table if there is corresponding value in the keyed table
  • only values present in both the table for each key are returned
  • in left join, it would return all the rows from left table with null data joined even if there is no data in keyed table
    sym | vol
    ----| ------
    AAPL| 272375
    CSCO| 295679
    DELL| 274055
    GOOG| 207724
    IBM | 400192
    sym | vol
    ----| ------
    DELL| 274055
    GOOG| 207724
    IBM | 400192
    MSFT| 330837
    NOK | 215976
    q)count trades lj voltrades2
    q)count trades ij voltrades2
    q)trades ij voltrades2
    time                          sym  src price size vol
    2020.12.26D08:00:13.099000000 IBM  N   43.52 326  400192
    2020.12.26D08:02:31.911000000 ORCL L   32.25 5730 337317
    2020.12.26D08:02:40.066000000 ORCL N   32.22 4295 337317
    2020.12.26D08:03:00.934000000 YHOO N   35.49 5339 320482
    2020.12.26D08:03:29.198000000 ORCL L   32.25 2629 337317
    q)trades lj voltrades
    time                          sym  src price size vol
    2020.12.26D08:00:13.099000000 IBM  N   43.52 326  400192
    2020.12.26D08:00:39.491000000 CSCO L   35.45 2382 295679
    2020.12.26D08:01:46.279000000 AAPL O   25.34 211  272375
    2020.12.26D08:02:09.670000000 AAPL L   25.37 8077 272375
    2020.12.26D08:02:31.911000000 ORCL L   32.25 5730 337317

Union Join uj

q) // setup
q)\l 2_where_clause_fakedb.q
q)count trades
q)count quotes
* can be keyed and unkeyed as well * unkeyed - it will return a super set of all rows and all columns of both tables - missing values are filled with nulls
time                          sym  src price size
2020.12.26D08:00:17.350000000 CSCO N   35.46 2367
2020.12.26D08:00:30.245000000 DELL N   29.05 27
2020.12.26D08:01:40.842000000 AAPL L   25.37 2797
2020.12.26D08:02:11.579000000 CSCO L   35.46 1714
2020.12.26D08:02:12.246000000 YHOO N   35.5  166
time                          sym  src bid   ask   bsize asize
2020.12.26D08:00:02.809000000 MSFT L   36.08 36.09 8000  7500
2020.12.26D08:00:09.282000000 MSFT O   36.06 36.09 5500  8000
2020.12.26D08:00:10.075000000 IBM  N   43.52 43.53 2500  4000
2020.12.26D08:00:10.646000000 YHOO L   35.49 35.5  7500  4500
2020.12.26D08:00:11.107000000 DELL N   29.05 29.09 2000  6000
q)t1 uj t2
time                          sym  src price size bid   ask   bsize asize
2020.12.26D08:00:17.350000000 CSCO N   35.46 2367
2020.12.26D08:00:30.245000000 DELL N   29.05 27
2020.12.26D08:01:40.842000000 AAPL L   25.37 2797
2020.12.26D08:02:11.579000000 CSCO L   35.46 1714
2020.12.26D08:02:12.246000000 YHOO N   35.5  166
2020.12.26D08:00:02.809000000 MSFT L              36.08 36.09 8000  7500
2020.12.26D08:00:09.282000000 MSFT O              36.06 36.09 5500  8000
2020.12.26D08:00:10.075000000 IBM  N              43.52 43.53 2500  4000
2020.12.26D08:00:10.646000000 YHOO L              35.49 35.5  7500  4500
2020.12.26D08:00:11.107000000 DELL N              29.05 29.09 2000  6000
* keyed - rows from the left keyed table are updated with matches from right keyed table - if no match is found, then null data is added * can be useful which are keyed by time * example - we have table which has average mid price bucketed by 5 minute buckets
q)tq: select avg .5*bid+ask by 5 xbar time.minute from quotes
q)tt: select avg price by 5 xbar time.minute from trades where sym=`IBM
minute| x
------| --------
08:00 | 33.93856
08:05 | 35.3704
08:10 | 35.56701
08:15 | 34.212
08:20 | 33.9723
08:25 | 35.0075
08:30 | 34.20413
08:35 | 34.81067
08:40 | 35.19892
08:45 | 33.94478
08:50 | 35.65367
08:55 | 33.19094
09:00 | 35.1866
09:05 | 34.21341
09:10 | 34.51582
09:15 | 34.58091
09:20 | 34.29382
09:25 | 33.81271
09:30 | 33.77884
09:35 | 34.51159
minute| price
------| --------
08:00 | 43.56333
08:10 | 43.55
08:15 | 43.54
08:20 | 43.56
08:30 | 43.7
08:35 | 43.62
08:40 | 43.63
08:50 | 43.56
09:05 | 43.515
09:15 | 43.43
09:25 | 43.42
09:30 | 43.49333
09:35 | 43.5
09:40 | 43.495
09:45 | 43.49
09:50 | 43.52
09:55 | 43.585
10:10 | 43.57
10:15 | 43.57
10:25 | 43.515
q)tq uj tt
minute| x        price
------| -----------------
08:00 | 33.93856 43.56333
08:05 | 35.3704
08:10 | 35.56701 43.55
08:15 | 34.212   43.54
08:20 | 33.9723  43.56
08:25 | 35.0075
08:30 | 34.20413 43.7
08:35 | 34.81067 43.62
08:40 | 35.19892 43.63
08:45 | 33.94478
08:50 | 35.65367 43.56
08:55 | 33.19094
09:00 | 35.1866
09:05 | 34.21341 43.515
09:10 | 34.51582
09:15 | 34.58091 43.43
09:20 | 34.29382
09:25 | 33.81271 43.42
09:30 | 33.77884 43.49333
09:35 | 34.51159 43.5
* we can fill the nulls with prev avg price if there are not trades during the bucket window
q)fills tq uj tt
minute| x        price
------| -----------------
08:00 | 33.93856 43.56333
08:05 | 35.3704  43.56333
08:10 | 35.56701 43.55
08:15 | 34.212   43.54
08:20 | 33.9723  43.56
08:25 | 35.0075  43.56
08:30 | 34.20413 43.7
08:35 | 34.81067 43.62
08:40 | 35.19892 43.63
08:45 | 33.94478 43.63
08:50 | 35.65367 43.56
08:55 | 33.19094 43.56
09:00 | 35.1866  43.56
09:05 | 34.21341 43.515
09:10 | 34.51582 43.515
09:15 | 34.58091 43.43
09:20 | 34.29382 43.43
09:25 | 33.81271 43.42
09:30 | 33.77884 43.49333
09:35 | 34.51159 43.5

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