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Table modification Keywords

q)\l 2_where_clause_fakedb.q
USAGE: makedb[NUM QUOTES;NUM TRADES] eg makedb[100000;10000]

makedb1[NUM QUOTES;NUM TRADES;DATE;RANDOMISED COUNT FACTOR] eg makedb1[100000;10000;.z.d;.3]





  • used to view columns of the table and also to view keys of the dictionary
    q)cols trades

xasc / xdesc

  • used to sort the table by columns specified
    q)`price xasc  trades
    time                          sym  src price size
    2020.12.26D08:34:34.754000000 AAPL O   25.12 1535
    2020.12.26D08:34:01.151000000 AAPL L   25.14 5290
    2020.12.26D08:35:52.188000000 AAPL N   25.15 3413
    2020.12.26D08:42:18.951000000 AAPL L   25.16 1902
    2020.12.26D08:33:35.987000000 AAPL L   25.18 4579
    q)`price xdesc trades
    time                          sym src price size
    2020.12.26D16:17:13.172000000 IBM L   43.88 2560
    2020.12.26D15:29:24.817000000 IBM L   43.84 369
    2020.12.26D16:12:52.607000000 IBM N   43.83 4454
    2020.12.26D16:21:07.666000000 IBM O   43.82 3918
    2020.12.26D16:13:22.181000000 IBM L   43.81 4869
  • more than 1 column can also be specified - it will first sort by first column, and if values are same for first then sort by next column
    q)`price`size xdesc trades
    time                          sym src price size
    2020.12.26D16:17:13.172000000 IBM L   43.88 2560
    2020.12.26D15:29:24.817000000 IBM L   43.84 369
    2020.12.26D16:12:52.607000000 IBM N   43.83 4454
    2020.12.26D16:21:07.666000000 IBM O   43.82 3918
    2020.12.26D16:13:22.181000000 IBM L   43.81 4869


  • used to rename columns of table
  • it will only change column name from left to right
  • it will rename with first column as first name provided by symbol list on left and so on..
    q)`Time`Sym xcol trades
    Time                          Sym  src price size
    2020.12.26D08:00:17.350000000 CSCO N   35.46 2367
    2020.12.26D08:00:30.245000000 DELL N   29.05 27
    2020.12.26D08:01:40.842000000 AAPL L   25.37 2797
    2020.12.26D08:02:11.579000000 CSCO L   35.46 1714
    2020.12.26D08:02:12.246000000 YHOO N   35.5  166


  • reorder columns of the table
  • it doesn't have to complete list
  • it moves the specified columns to the left of the table
  • column names need to be valid column names
    q)`price`size xcols trades
    price size time                          sym  src
    35.46 2367 2020.12.26D08:00:17.350000000 CSCO N
    29.05 27   2020.12.26D08:00:30.245000000 DELL N
    25.37 2797 2020.12.26D08:01:40.842000000 AAPL L
    35.46 1714 2020.12.26D08:02:11.579000000 CSCO L
    35.5  166  2020.12.26D08:02:12.246000000 YHOO N
    q)`price`size`polo xcols trades
      [0]  `price`size`polo xcols trades


  • used to make specified columns as key of table
  • can be multiple columns as well
  • to key table in-place provid table name as symbol
    q)`price`src xkey trades
    price src| time                          sym  size
    ---------| ---------------------------------------
    35.46 N  | 2020.12.26D08:00:17.350000000 CSCO 2367
    29.05 N  | 2020.12.26D08:00:30.245000000 DELL 27
    25.37 L  | 2020.12.26D08:01:40.842000000 AAPL 2797
    35.46 L  | 2020.12.26D08:02:11.579000000 CSCO 1714
    35.5  N  | 2020.12.26D08:02:12.246000000 YHOO 166
    q)`price`src xkey `trades


  • can be used to see keys of table
    q)keys trades
    q)keys quotes


  • to view full keyed columns of the table
    q)key trades
    price src
    35.46 N
    29.05 N
    25.37 L
    35.46 L
    35.5  N
  • can also be used to get list of keys of the dictionary
    q)d:`ab`bv!1 2
    ab| 1
    bv| 2
    q)key d


  • used to group by column/s of a table
    q)`src xgroup quotes
    src| time                                                                    ..
    ---| ------------------------------------------------------------------------..
    L  | 2020.12.26D08:00:02.809000000 2020.12.26D08:00:10.646000000 2020.12.26D0..
    O  | 2020.12.26D08:00:09.282000000 2020.12.26D08:00:20.104000000 2020.12.26D0..
    N  | 2020.12.26D08:00:10.075000000 2020.12.26D08:00:11.107000000 2020.12.26D0..
  • ungroup can be used to flatten grouped table

Statistical Keywords

first, last, max, min, sum, avg

  • used to find first, last, maximum, minimum, total and average of list/columns of table
    q)select max price, min price, first price, last price, sum price, avg price from trades
    price price1 price2 price3 price4   price5
    43.88 25.12  35.46  29.16  34679.26 34.67926

sums, maxs, mins, avgs

  • used to specify running total, running maximum, running minimum and running average from list/column of table
    q)select sums price, maxs price, mins price from trades
    price  price1 price2
    35.46  35.46  35.46
    64.51  35.46  29.05
    89.88  35.46  25.37
    125.34 35.46  25.37
    160.84 35.5   25.37

msum, mmax, mmin, mavg

  • used for moving total, moving maximum, moving minimum, moving average from list/column of table
  • moving windows size is defined as left argument
    q)select 2 msum price, 2 mmax price, 2 mmin price, 2 mavg price from trades
    price price1 price2 price3
    35.46 35.46  35.46  35.46
    64.51 35.46  29.05  32.255
    54.42 29.05  25.37  27.21
    60.83 35.46  25.37  30.415
    70.96 35.5   35.46  35.48

Other useful keywords

q)t:0!select from trades where sym=`GOOG
price src time                          sym  size
41.29 L   2020.12.26D08:10:37.457000000 GOOG 1902
41.33 N   2020.12.26D08:11:24.604000000 GOOG 3150
41.31 L   2020.12.26D08:17:49.148000000 GOOG 2133
41.31 L   2020.12.26D08:18:04.621000000 GOOG 2623
41.28 N   2020.12.26D08:29:30.642000000 GOOG 825


  • returns true 1b if every element is different from previous element of the list/column of table
  • always returns 1b for first element
    q)differ t`price
  • can be used to find where price did changed
    q)select from t where differ price
    price src time                          sym  size
    41.29 L   2020.12.26D08:10:37.457000000 GOOG 1902
    41.33 N   2020.12.26D08:11:24.604000000 GOOG 3150
    41.31 L   2020.12.26D08:17:49.148000000 GOOG 2133
    41.28 N   2020.12.26D08:29:30.642000000 GOOG 825
    41.24 N   2020.12.26D08:42:37.510000000 GOOG 4959


  • shows different between current and previous values of the list
  • can be used to select trades where price has increased
    q)select from t where (deltas price)>0
    price src time                          sym  size
    41.29 L   2020.12.26D08:10:37.457000000 GOOG 1902
    41.33 N   2020.12.26D08:11:24.604000000 GOOG 3150
    41.29 L   2020.12.26D08:47:15.737000000 GOOG 7592
    41.32 O   2020.12.26D08:49:33.238000000 GOOG 3863
    41.21 L   2020.12.26D09:08:34.960000000 GOOG 1534


  • it moves the elements of the list 1 space to the left and filling the empty space with null


  • it moves the elements of the list 1 space to the right and filling the empty space with null
  • can be used to find duration between trades
    q)update duration:time-prev time from t
    price src time                          sym  size duration
    41.29 L   2020.12.26D08:10:37.457000000 GOOG 1902
    41.33 N   2020.12.26D08:11:24.604000000 GOOG 3150 0D00:00:47.147000000
    41.31 L   2020.12.26D08:17:49.148000000 GOOG 2133 0D00:06:24.544000000
    41.31 L   2020.12.26D08:18:04.621000000 GOOG 2623 0D00:00:15.473000000
    41.28 N   2020.12.26D08:29:30.642000000 GOOG 825  0D00:11:26.021000000


  • shifts the elements of the list specified numbers to the right
  • xnext keyword doesn't exist we can replicate the effect by specifying -n as argument to xprev
    2020.12.26D08:10:37.457000000 2020.12.26D08:11:24.604000000 2020.12.26D08:17:..
    q)2 xprev t`time
    0N 0N 2020.12.26D08:10:37.457000000 2020.12.26D08:11:24.604000000 2020.12.26D..
    q)-2 xprev t`time // works as xnext
    2020.12.26D08:17:49.148000000 2020.12.26D08:18:04.621000000 2020.12.26D08:29:..

^ - coalease - fill nulls

  • used to fill 0N nulls in the list with specified atom or list items
  • it type promote the element if filling element is of type greater than existing list
    q)3 ^ 1 2 3 0N 0N
    1 2 3 3 3
    q)3f ^ 1 2 3 0N 0N
    1 2 3 3 3f
    q)type 1 2 3 0N 0N
    q)type 3f ^ 1 2 3 0N 0N
    q)4 5 6 7 8f ^ 1 2 3 0N 0N   // also works if list of same length is provided as filling argument
    1 2 3 7 8f


  • it fills the nulls in the list with first non null element in the left
    q)fills  1 2 3 0N 0N 9 0N 8 0N 0N
    1 2 3 3 3 9 9 8 8 8


  • it returns index of the elements to sort the list in ascending or descending order
    q)l: 90 8928 4345 258972 2349827
    q)idesc l
    4 3 1 2 0
    q)iasc l
    0 2 1 3 4
  • it can be used to order a list w.r.t another list of same size
    q)m:(1 2 4 3; 6 4 5; 2 6 3 7 5; 2 5 )
    1 2 4 3
    6 4 5
    2 6 3 7 5
    2 5
    q)count each m
    4 3 5 2
    q)m iasc count each m
    2 5
    6 4 5
    1 2 4 3
    2 6 3 7 5
    q)iasc count each m
    3 1 0 2


  • returns the positions would appear if it were sorted in sorted order
  • equivalent to using iasc twice on a list
    90 8928 4345 258972 2349827
    q)rank l
    0 2 1 3 4
    q)iasc iasc l
    0 2 1 3 4
    q)iasc l
    0 2 1 3 4
  • can be used to rank the prices of trades
    q)update prcrank:rank price from t
    price src time                          sym  size prcrank
    41.29 L   2020.12.26D08:10:37.457000000 GOOG 1902 111
    41.33 N   2020.12.26D08:11:24.604000000 GOOG 3150 124
    41.31 L   2020.12.26D08:17:49.148000000 GOOG 2133 116
    41.31 L   2020.12.26D08:18:04.621000000 GOOG 2623 117
    41.28 N   2020.12.26D08:29:30.642000000 GOOG 825  109


  • used to bucket the list into specified number of bucket
  • and result values specify which bucket each element of the list will fit into
    90 8928 4345 258972 2349827
    q)2 xrank l
    0 0 0 1 1
    q)1 xrank l
    0 0 0 0 0
    q)3 xrank l
    0 1 0 1 2
    q)4 xrank l
    0 1 0 2 3
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