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On Disk Tables

We can save a table to disk in 3 different formats 1. flat table 2. splayed table 3. partitioned table

Flat Table

  • Saved to disk as-is, with all the information in one file
  • These can only be used by loading them into memory
  • Used only by small, frequently used databases
  • Generally not suitable for large dataset

Save flat table

  • Lets create a table in-memory
    q)price:([]fruit: `banana`grapes`orange; qty: 10 15 13; prc: 10.78 40.88 30.87)
    fruit  qty prc
    banana 10  10.78
    grapes 15  40.88
    orange 13  30.87
  • we can save the table to disk using handle_to_file set table_name
  • here handle_to_file can be relative if saving in current directory or full path if saving in another directory provided write permissions are valid
    q)`:pricetab set price
  • or we can use save in case we want to keep filename same as tablename
    q)save `:price
  • after saving to disk we can see there are two flat files in the working directory
    q)system"ls -lh"
    "total 16"
    "-rw-r--r--  1 ranayk  staff   118B Oct  4 22:26 price"
    "-rw-r--r--  1 ranayk  staff   118B Oct  4 22:25 pricetab"

Load flat table

  • to read these flat files we can use function get or load
    q)get `:price
    fruit  qty prc
    banana 10  10.78
    grapes 15  40.88
    orange 13  30.87
    q)load `:pricetab
    fruit  qty prc
    banana 10  10.78
    grapes 15  40.88
    orange 13  30.87

Splayed table

  • In splayed table a directory is created with name same as table name and having files for each columns and also a .d file which contains the order of the columns
  • to splay we add the / to the end of file handle to specify it is a directory - it is same for both unix and windows system i.e; / forward slash

Save splayed tables

  • let's create a new table called prices2 which we can save as splayed table
    q)prices2:([]cars:"ABC"; price: 500 1100 1500 ; qty: 1000 350 20)
    cars price qty
    A    500   1000
    B    1100  350
    C    1500  20
  • we can save splayed table using set but adding / at the end of file handle
    q)`:splayedprice2/ set prices2
    q)system"ls -lh"
    "total 16"
    "-rw-r--r--  1 ranayk  staff   118B Oct  4 22:26 price"
    "-rw-r--r--  1 ranayk  staff   118B Oct  4 22:25 pricetab"
    "drwxr-xr-x  6 ranayk  staff   192B Oct  4 22:43 splayedprice2"
    q)system"ls -alh splayedprice2"
    "total 32"
    "drwxr-xr-x  6 ranayk  staff   192B Oct  4 22:43 ."
    "drwxr-xr-x  5 ranayk  staff   160B Oct  4 22:43 .."
    "-rw-r--r--  1 ranayk  staff    23B Oct  4 22:43 .d"
    "-rw-r--r--  1 ranayk  staff    19B Oct  4 22:43 cars"
    "-rw-r--r--  1 ranayk  staff    40B Oct  4 22:43 price"
    "-rw-r--r--  1 ranayk  staff    40B Oct  4 22:43 qty"

Load splayed tables

  • when we load the splayed table into the memory it is mapped to the memory not loaded into the memory - we can see this by checking mmap value from result of .Q.w[] function
  • before loading the table .Q.w[] shows 0 for mmap ```qq).Q.w[] used| 357056 heap| 67108864 peak| 67108864 wmax| 0 mmap| 0 mphy| 8589934592 syms| 663 symw| 28351
    * we can load the splayed table using `get`
    * after loading the table into memory we can re-examine the `mmap` value from `.Q.w[]` output
    cars price qty
    A    500   1000
    B    1100  350
    C    1500  20
    used| 358336
    heap| 67108864
    peak| 67108864
    wmax| 0
    mmap| 99
    mphy| 8589934592
    syms| 669
    symw| 28547

Edit splayed table on disk

  • we can re-order the table's columns by editing .d file
    q)get `:splayedprice2/.d
    q)`:splayedprice2/.d set `qty`price`cars
    q)load `:splayedprice2
    qty  price cars
    1000 500   A
    350  1100  B
    20   1500  C
  • we can add the columns to splayed table on disk
  • and we need to edit the .d file as well
    q)`:splayedprice2/date set 2022.10.01 2022.10.02 2022.10.03
    q)`:splayedprice2/.d set (get `:splayedprice2/.d),`date
    q)load `:splayedprice2
    qty  price cars date
    1000 500   A    2022.10.01
    350  1100  B    2022.10.02
    20   1500  C    2022.10.03
  • similarly we can delete the column from splayed table on disk using hdel and here as well we need to edit .d file
    q)hdel `:splayedprice2/date
    q)(get `:splayedprice2/.d) except `date
    q)`:splayedprice2/.d set (get `:splayedprice2/.d) except `date
    q)load `:splayedprice2
    qty  price cars
    1000 500   A
    350  1100  B
    20   1500  C
  • we can also add a new row to splayed table on disk using upsert function
    q)`:splayedprice2/ upsert (1500;70;"D")
    q)get `:splayedprice2/
    qty  price cars
    1000 500   A
    350  1100  B
    20   1500  C
    1500 70    D
  • we can also sort the table - using xasc
    q)`qty xasc `:splayedprice2/
    q)get `:splayedprice2/
    qty  price cars
    20   1500  C
    350  1100  B
    1000 500   A
    1500 70    D

Partitioned tables

  • Partitioned tables can be split horizontally as well as vertically - meaning data is split by row value(date or month) then each column is splayed into single file on disk - similar to splayed table

Save partitioned table

  • Lets define 2 tables for each parition and save them to disk using set
  • here we are providing directory, parition and table name in file handle
    q)price1:([]car:"ABC";qty:10 20 30; price: 33 44 55)
    car qty price
    A   10  33
    B   20  44
    C   30  55
    q)price2:([]car:"ZXY";qty:99 88 77; price: 10 20 30)
    car qty price
    Z   99  10
    X   88  20
    Y   77  30
  • on disk structure
    q)system"ls -lah"
    "total 16"
    "drwxr-xr-x   6 ranayk  staff   192B Oct  4 23:25 ."
    "drwxr-xr-x+ 54 ranayk  staff   1.7K Oct  4 23:22 .."
    "drwxr-xr-x   4 ranayk  staff   128B Oct  4 23:25 partprice"
    "-rw-r--r--   1 ranayk  staff   118B Oct  4 22:26 price"
    "-rw-r--r--   1 ranayk  staff   118B Oct  4 22:25 pricetab"
    "drwxr-xr-x   6 ranayk  staff   192B Oct  4 23:04 splayedprice2"
    q)system"ls -lah partprice"
    "total 0"
    "drwxr-xr-x  4 ranayk  staff   128B Oct  4 23:25 ."
    "drwxr-xr-x  6 ranayk  staff   192B Oct  4 23:25 .."
    "drwxr-xr-x  3 ranayk  staff    96B Oct  4 23:25 2022.10.01"
    "drwxr-xr-x  3 ranayk  staff    96B Oct  4 23:25 2022.10.02"
    q)system"ls -lah partprice/2022.10.01/"
    "total 0"
    "drwxr-xr-x  3 ranayk  staff    96B Oct  4 23:25 ."
    "drwxr-xr-x  4 ranayk  staff   128B Oct  4 23:25 .."
    "drwxr-xr-x  6 ranayk  staff   192B Oct  4 23:25 price"
    q)system"ls -lah partprice/2022.10.01/price/" //if we had more tables in this partition it would show as another directory with directory name same as table's name
    "total 32"
    "drwxr-xr-x  6 ranayk  staff   192B Oct  4 23:25 ."
    "drwxr-xr-x  3 ranayk  staff    96B Oct  4 23:25 .."
    "-rw-r--r--  1 ranayk  staff    22B Oct  4 23:25 .d"
    "-rw-r--r--  1 ranayk  staff    19B Oct  4 23:25 car"
    "-rw-r--r--  1 ranayk  staff    40B Oct  4 23:25 price"
    "-rw-r--r--  1 ranayk  staff    40B Oct  4 23:25 qty"
    q)system"ls -lah partprice/2022.10.02/"
    "total 0"
    "drwxr-xr-x  3 ranayk  staff    96B Oct  4 23:25 ."
    "drwxr-xr-x  4 ranayk  staff   128B Oct  4 23:25 .."
    "drwxr-xr-x  6 ranayk  staff   192B Oct  4 23:25 price"
    q)system"ls -lah partprice/2022.10.02/price/"
    "total 32"
    "drwxr-xr-x  6 ranayk  staff   192B Oct  4 23:25 ."
    "drwxr-xr-x  3 ranayk  staff    96B Oct  4 23:25 .."
    "-rw-r--r--  1 ranayk  staff    22B Oct  4 23:25 .d"
    "-rw-r--r--  1 ranayk  staff    19B Oct  4 23:25 car"
    "-rw-r--r--  1 ranayk  staff    40B Oct  4 23:25 price"
    "-rw-r--r--  1 ranayk  staff    40B Oct  4 23:25 qty"

Load the partitioned table

  • we can use \l with directory name to load the partitioned table
    q)\l partprice
    date       car qty price
    2022.10.01 A   10  33
    2022.10.01 B   20  44
    2022.10.01 C   30  55
    2022.10.02 Z   99  10
    2022.10.02 X   88  20
    2022.10.02 Y   77  30


  • we can use .Q.ind to access rows of table by providing indexes as argument
    q).Q.ind[price;2 5]
    date       car qty price
    2022.10.01 C   30  55
    2022.10.02 Y   77  30


  • if we have partitions with table directories missing then we can use .Q.chk to populate them using the schema of last parition
    q)system"mkdir partprice/2022.10.03"
    q)system"ls -lh partprice/2022.10.03" //latest partition doesn't have tables data populated
    "total 0"
    q)system"ls -lh partprice/2022.10.03" //now it is populated
    "total 0"
    "drwxr-xr-x  6 ranayk  staff   192B Oct  4 23:39 price"
    q)\l partprice
    date       car qty price
    2022.10.01 A   10  33
    2022.10.01 B   20  44
    2022.10.01 C   30  55
    2022.10.02 Z   99  10
    2022.10.02 X   88  20
    2022.10.02 Y   77  30
  • directory structure till now
  • partprice is partitioned table
  • price and pricetab are flat tables, and
  • splayedprice2 is splayed table
    ├── partprice
    │   ├── 2022.10.01
    │   │   └── price
    │   │       ├── car
    │   │       ├── price
    │   │       └── qty
    │   ├── 2022.10.02
    │   │   └── price
    │   │       ├── car
    │   │       ├── price
    │   │       └── qty
    │   └── 2022.10.03
    │       └── price
    │           ├── car
    │           ├── price
    │           └── qty
    ├── price
    ├── pricetab
    └── splayedprice2
        ├── cars
        ├── price
        └── qty
  • Now if we try to save splayed or partitioned table with symbol column it will fail as it needs enumeration


  • to enumerate means - unique symbols are identified and index assigned to each symbol - this map is stored in sym file in the root of database directory
  • We use .Q.en to enumerate the table and generate/upsert values to sym file when saving down splayed or partitioned table
    fruit  qty prc
    banana 10  10.78
    grapes 15  40.88
    orange 13  30.87
    q)`:ensplayed/price/ set .Q.en[`:ensplayed;price]
  • now we can see additional sym file created for price splayed table under ensplayed directory
    q)system"ls -lh"
    "total 16"
    "drwxr-xr-x  4 ranayk  staff   128B Oct  4 23:52 ensplayed"
    "drwxr-xr-x  5 ranayk  staff   160B Oct  4 23:38 partprice"
    "-rw-r--r--  1 ranayk  staff   118B Oct  4 22:26 price"
    "-rw-r--r--  1 ranayk  staff   118B Oct  4 22:25 pricetab"
    "drwxr-xr-x  6 ranayk  staff   192B Oct  4 23:04 splayedprice2"
    q)system"ls -lh ensplayed"
    "total 8"
    "drwxr-xr-x  6 ranayk  staff   192B Oct  4 23:52 price"
    "-rw-r--r--  1 ranayk  staff    29B Oct  4 23:52 sym"
  • we can also load it into memory
    q)\l ensplayed/price
    fruit  qty prc
    banana 10  10.78
    grapes 15  40.88
    orange 13  30.87


  • we can use .Q.dpft to save partitioned table on disk
  • it needs table to be defined in-memory
  • .Q.dpft - directory, partition, column to apply part attribute to, (in-memory)tablename
    fruit  qty prc
    banana 10  10.78
    grapes 15  40.88
    orange 13  30.87
    q)meta price
    c    | t f a
    -----| -----
    fruit| s
    qty  | j
    prc  | f
  • directory structure
    └── 2022.10.01
        └── price
            ├── fruit
            ├── prc
            └── qty
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